FOR SALE The business of a successful importer and wholesaler of technical machine tools for sale

Business information

Sale topic For sale business operations
Industry Technical trade
Location Southern Finland
Person count Full-time 1 persons
Adjusted revenue 1 300 000 EUR
Asking price 1 000 000 EUR
The company is a successful importer of technical machine tools, supplying high-quality machine tools for the needs of various industrial sectors.
The customer base is broad, ranging from large listed companies to SMEs as well as various offices and educational institutions. Machine tools and production accessories come from leading European manufacturers in the field. Cooperation with machine tool manufacturers is extensive, and they can provide the new entrepreneur with significant help in developing operations.
The package includes high-quality training and mentoring for the new owner also in the coming years, which means that the new entrepreneur will receive an excellent business and solid support now and in the future.
The location of the new business is not of great importance, as the equipment is mainly directly delivered from the manufacturers’ factories to end users.
The company’s competitive advantages include a wide range of high-quality products, a wide customer base in many different industries, fast and straightforward operations, efficient sales and marketing, and a comprehensive service network.
The company has been an AAA-rated company for years and has performed very well in various comparisons.

Asking price justification

Long-term successful business. Long-term factory and supplier relationships. Good established customer relationships. Acquisition price based on average productivity. The debt financing required for the deal can be repaid with cash flow within a repayment period of 5 years, if the buyer's self-financing share is around 20% of the total financing and the interest rate on the loan is 7%.

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