FOR SALE Well-known dealer and wholesaler of motorcycles, scooters and their spare parts and accessories in Estonia

Business information

Sale topic For sale business operations, business assets, equipment, storage
Industry Vehicle sales, maintenance, spare parts
Location Estonia
Person count Full-time 3 persons
Adjusted revenue 260 000 EUR
Asking price 200 000 EUR
The company deals with scooters, motorcycles, ATVs and is the official representative of several well-known brands. 99% of the products sold are imported by the company itself.
The company has its own brand stores, an online store and imported products are sold to several partners throughout Estonia.
Development opportunities:
Increasing the share of wholesale.
More active advertising.
Increase in sales volumes of electric scooters, motorcycles, ATVs.
Business and business assets (stocks, brand, domains, cooperation agreements, store inventory, equipment) are for sale.

Asking price justification

The company is a very old company by Estonian standards, as it was already in operation during the Soviet era. Probably, almost all potential customers are familiar with it. Supplier relationships are also old and the company receives goods from all over the world on good terms. The retail space is in a visible location and the premises are well suited for their purpose.

More information about the target

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