FOR SALE Company with a real estate development project to build a spa complex in Tartumaa

Business information

Sale topic For sale company, real estate
Industry Real estate envestment
Location Estonia
Person count
Adjusted revenue 1 EUR
Asking price 1 000 000 EUR
The company owns a 5-hectare property where two three-storey buildings of 3.000 m2 will be built, one of which will house a spa and sauna centre and the other apartments with balconies.
Hiking and jogging trails, a public beach, fishing opportunities, disc golf, a communal barbecue and campfire area will be built in the area.
A town plan has been approved for the area, and the building plans for the buildings are ready.
The property is located in Tartu County, 25 m from Tartu in the direction of Jõhvi.

Asking price justification

Personal view of the seller.

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