FOR SALE A company whose main industry is the sale, rental and maintenance of caravans and motorhomes

Business information

Sale topic For sale company
Industry Other service companies
Location Finland
Person count Full-time 3 persons
Adjusted revenue 815 000 EUR
Asking price 1 000 000 EUR
The company has the right of representation and maintenance of several well-known trade brands, a wide and international customer base and a very good reputation in this industry. Opportunity to increase turnover by increasing sales work and expanding abroad.
In addition to its main line of business, the company also has an equipment sales department for industry and fuel terminals. The company provides reliable equipment and technical support to customers and designers in the selection, design and operation of equipment.
The company’s annual turnover is 800.000 euros and the value of its assets is almost 0.9 million euros.
A very good opportunity to enter the Estonian market by acquiring a well-functioning and reputable company in its industry.

Asking price justification

Floating assets worth 800.000 euros, EBITDA +110.000 euros.

More information about the target

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