FOR SALE A network of freelance translators offering translation, proofreading, quality checking of texts

Business information

Sale topic For sale company
Industry Other service companies
Location Estonia
Person count
Adjusted revenue 271 000 EUR
Asking price 125 000 EUR
A network of freelance translators with a dozen permanent service providers and 125 well-known service providers for different language pairs.
The company does not have separate project managers, but some of the permanent freelancers work alongside their own work as managers of their own projects and assigned clients.
Clients include both other translation agencies and direct corporate clients (approximately a total of 250 customers in the database).
The company operates entirely via the Internet. There is no office.
The financial situation has been burdened by strong marketing efforts in Q4 2023 and Q1 2024.
Now marketing efforts have been restrained and the mere profit of freelancers who provide services to the company regularly/continuously is enough to cover them and generate revenue.

Asking price justification

The company has an excellent subcontractor network for translation and a good reputation. The cost structure is tied to turnover, i.e. losses have occurred when significant investments have been made in marketing (2023). As a result of strong marketing, the customer base has grown significantly.

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