FOR SALE An official importer of ventilation systems by a well-known manufacturer and agent of the brand in the Baltic countries, Finland and Georgia

Business information

Sale topic For sale company
Industry Import
Location Estonia
Person count Full-time 9 persons
Adjusted revenue 5 500 000 EUR
Asking price 2 400 000 EUR
The business’ main industry is wholesales of electric heating systems (air-source heat pumps, electric fireplaces etc). The stock is located in Tallinn and customs storage in Riga, Klapeida, Chelm (Poland) and Varna (Bulgaria). There are also a storage facility for spare parts, technical support and engineers in Tallinn.
The business has been active for eight years. The business’ general condition is good, the revenue of 2022 is estimated to be 8 million euros.
The business’ share of air-source heat pump sales in Estonia is 21%.
The rise of the price of gas has increased the demand and sales of air-source and water-source heat pumps significantly.

Asking price justification

3,75 x EBITDA + stock.

More information about the target

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