FOR SALE Highly profitable heavy equipment maintenance workshop

Business information

Sale topic For sale company
Industry Heavy vehicle fleet repair and maintenance
Location Turku economic area
Person count Full-time 7 persons part-time 1 persons
Adjusted revenue 750 000 EUR
Asking price 1 200 000 EUR
An asset deal is possible at 700.000 euros
The company specialises in providing maintenance and repair services for heavy equipment. Its operations are guided by customer orientation and it has a few significant contract customers with whom it has cooperated for years. These ensure a stable and continuous profitable cash flow on the basis of which operations can be confidently planned.
The company’s personnel are skilled professionals in their field and they are strongly committed to the company and its operations.
The company has sufficient premises and versatile equipment for its operations so that it can serve its customers extensively and take care of schedules and promises to its customers.

Asking price justification

The pricing takes into account the established cash flow and the market price of the premises at 450.000 euros. In addition, the company's strong, oversized cash balance can be utilised in a share deal to pay the acquisition price. A sale can also be made so that the premises remain outside the sale and the buyer remains in the premises as a tenant.

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