FOR SALE A company offering wide-ranging child welfare services is for sale

Business information

Sale topic For sale company, business operations
Industry Health care, social services
Location Finland
Person count Full-time 16 persons part-time 9 persons
Adjusted revenue 1 400 000 EUR
Asking price 560 000 EUR
Includes premises
Are you a passionate entrepreneur or investor who wants to maintain a valuable child welfare business?
The company provides round-the-clock care for children of comprehensive school age who have been taken into care, placed in urgent care or in open care.
The company offers a wide range of child welfare services, which are divided into foster care and open care services. Services include family services, support person services, supervised meetings and round-the-clock care. Customer service is at the heart of the company’s operations, and all employees are committed to listening and helping customers in the best possible way.
The company’s special unit for child welfare has established a strong and respected position in the industry.
The unit has a capacity of 12 children of comprehensive school age, and the company has a multidisciplinary team consisting of social, health and educational professionals.
The company’s employees have long-term experience in special level foster care in child welfare as well as diverse additional training in various areas.
The operational activities of the company run independently without daily management by the owners. This gives the new owner flexibility and the opportunity to develop the business to be even more efficient and diverse.
In addition, it is possible to expand operations into a provider of demanding institutional care services.

Asking price justification

The final purchase price depends on the amount of floating assets and the transaction procedure for the plot and buildings.

More information about the target

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