FOR SALE A profitable grocery and nonfood store in a good location

Business information

Sale topic For sale
Industry Food sales, import, export
Location Finland
Person count Full-time 2 persons part-time 2 persons
Adjusted revenue 1 500 000 EUR
Asking price 913 000 EUR
A well-known and trusted seller of groceries, fuel and nonfood (small hardware, electrical, small, HVAC and tool products) and services. Own fuel distribution on the site, equipment overhauled and compliant with EU directives.
The company’s operations mainly serve local consumers, cottage dwellers and passers-by.
The company operates in its own premises, which are located along a busy main road, and the accessibility of the business location is good.

Asking price justification

Share deal. Floating assets are significant and the acquisition includes property and plot. The company's cash reserves enable the purchase of own shares for approximately 200.000-250.000 euros.

More information about the target

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