FOR SALE For sale: a management consulting, coaching, training, and evaluation company with good growth potential

Business information

Sale topic For sale part of company
Industry Consulting, education
Location Finland
Person count Full-time 1 persons
Adjusted revenue 1 843 EUR
Asking price 1 EUR
Sold based on offers
The company’s clientele consists of organizations and companies that are eager to grow, develop, and renew. Customers consist of both end customers and retailers. The company has a strong reference history from both the private and public sectors. The company has productized services and a competent partner network. The company has a good brand and website. Most of the customers come through the website.
With the aging and waning strength of the company’s owner, a new energetic and sales-oriented owner is being sought for the company. Sold based on offers.

Asking price justification

The company is sold on the basis of offers.

More information about the target

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