FOR SALE Selling an interesting railway maintenance operator

Business information

Sale topic For sale company, business operations
Industry Engineering works
Location Finland
Person count Full-time 5 persons part-time 2 persons
Adjusted revenue 358 000 EUR
Asking price 168 000 EUR
Asset deal
This dynamic and professional company operates in a specialised railway sector.
The company specializes in welding services, especially rail welding. The company is known for its high-quality work and strong reputation in the industry, providing services that complement the concepts of other players in the industry perfectly.
The company has all the required permits and certificates to operate that are required for welding on the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency’s railway network.
Key strengths:
• Expertise: A professional team that masters the demanding tasks of rail welding and works independently.
• Good reputation: A well-known and trusted operator whose high-quality work markets itself.
• Flexible service: Readiness to take on challenging locations.
The company has significant growth opportunities both domestically and internationally. Internationally, the company has potential especially in the Swedish, Norwegian and German markets, where there is a great need for rail welders.
This company offers an excellent opportunity to acquire a trusted and specialized player with a strong position and realistic growth opportunities.

Asking price justification

The company has a lot of potential to increase revenue. The company specializes in rail welding, which makes it a unique player in a limited and technically demanding industry. The company has gained a reliable reputation through long-term customer relationships and successful projects.

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